What is Cultural Diversity?
Cultural diversity is the existence of people who come from different ethnic backgrounds. They practice various religions and have cuisine, language, music, art, social behaviors, etc… unique to their culture.
Why is Cultural Diversity Important?
Celebrating our own culture and learning about the cultures of others raises awareness and builds tolerance. In addition, it helps to break down stereotypes and biases so that we can build respect and live with more compassion, understanding, and trust.
I know that growing up as an Iranian-American, I would have loved if my teachers spoke about culture and encouraged me to be proud of every part of myself. It would have made such a difference in my confidence and the way I viewed myself.
Why Is It Important to Raise Cultural Awareness in My Classroom?
Starting to build this awareness in your students can make a huge impact on our world. It allows students to not only celebrate their own culture but to learn about different cultures. It provides them with a space to ask questions so that they can foster a positive attitude that celebrates and appreciates our differences. I believe that if we had more of these conversations in our classrooms, our students would grow to be adults who are compassionate and understanding of others who do things differently than they do.
So How Do You Promote Diversity in the Classroom?
The first step to promoting diversity in the classroom is by acknowledging that it’s necessary and important to your students and to the future of our world. You can:
- Invite students to share their cultures and experience through discussions and activities
- Pay attention to how students identify and find books for your library that reflect that
- Include read-alouds with diverse characters
- Include books in your library that are reflective of the cultures in your classroom and the cultures and backgrounds that are not represented in your classroom
- Research and learn about other cultures as a class or in collaborative groups
- Invite friends or family to speak to your class
- Educate your students on why diversity is important and why it makes us stronger as a community
- Create a safe classroom environment that encourages students to share and be themselves
Cultural Diversity Activity Ideas
These No Prep Cultural Diversity Activities Can Help:
- build confidence in your students
- celebrate student identity and individuality
- build cultural awareness and honor diversity
- teach the importance of correctly pronouncing, remembering and using the names of others
- celebrate cultural diversity
- teach the importance of cultural diversity
All About My Name

I grew up disliking my name for a multitude of reasons. Why couldn’t my parents have named me something easy? I had major anxiety on the first day of school when the teacher would call attendance for the first time. It got worse in middle school because then I had 3 teachers. Finally, there was high school. The anxiety that ensued on the first day, with 7 different opportunities for someone to mispronounce my name in front of all my peers. Surprisingly, my 11th grade English teacher, yes, English teacher, mispronounced my name for half the year before my peers eventually corrected her… in unison. Of course, I wish I would have had the confidence to stand up for myself.
Of course, mispronunciations can and do happen when someone hears a unique name for the first time. However, it’s so important for our students to understand the importance of learning the names of their peers, addressing them by their names, working to ensure they are pronouncing them the way they were meant to be pronounced, and understanding the culture and identity that a name holds. Get the activity HERE!

All About My Culture

This cultural diversity activity allows students to learn, think about & share their culture with their classroom community. Because of this, it is so important for our students to be exposed to and learn about various cultures. It builds understanding, love, compassion, and tolerance and brings to light diversity within humanity that should be celebrated. Get the activity HERE!

Cultural Diversity Activity BUNDLE! All About My Name & Culture
If both of these activities sound like something you would like to bring into your classroom, you can get them in a bundle at a discounted price HERE!

I hope this product helps promote a positive classroom community and is a springboard for deeper conversations on the importance of cultural awareness, diversity, and tolerance.